Welcome to Consumer Corner - Buyer Beware!

Looking to rent DVDs? Here's what's available:
USA Video, Chacon St., Port of Spain - $99 to join, $10/2 nights (ID, utility bill)
NJ's computers, O'Meara Rd, Arima - $100 to join, $5/night (id?) Sale $150
Aranjuez Club, Abdool Young Road - $? to join, $10/week
S&R Video World, Woodford Street, Arima - $100 to join, $10/two nights, also have video cds

Banks Q&A - Credit Cards
Q. Why do some stores not accept credit cards or have a minimum purchase amount before accepting credit cards?
A. Because of fees imposed by banks for processing credit card sales

Q. What benefit is there to having a credit card?
A. None...unless you plan to shop on the web or accumulate frequent flier miles. However there are a lot of disadvantages
-- high annual fees
-- high APRs on unpaid balances
-- restricted merchant acceptance
-- bills paid through the banks are processed as cash advances with accompanying fees.

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